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My Favorite Wattpad Romance Authors

Lux Raven

I love to read a good romance (go figure). Here are a few authors I love that are always churning out great quality stories...


Tamara Ellison

Tamara is an incredible contemporary romance author whose characters have so much warmth and depth. Start with The Best Man, then burn through every other book she has written!

On Wattpad as @TamaraEllison5


Shannon French

Shannon has quite a talent for the written word and builds an unforgettable world in every book. She's currently working on the celebrity romance It's Only Forever.

On Wattpad as @gublercullen


H. Nuijs

Hillie's My Pet Mate is one of the most fun and original takes on the werewolf genre that I've read in a long time, and her characters are a delight to read.

On Wattpad as @HillieX


Melissa White

I love Melissa's Knight Security series, following the former special-ops boys of Knight Security as they find love. It's addictive and hard not to burn through the whole thing!

On Wattpad as @MelyssaWhyte


Andrea Torres

Torres's Immortal Gods series is a sassy, unique, and sharp take on Greek mythology starring a no-nonsense teen cheerleader protagonist. Definitely check her out!

On Wattpad as @BitchisMyReligion



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